PROCIV is a chemical distributor company for various industrial area established from 1991.

The company operates under the direction of the manager and the general manager, being organized in several divisions:

     -Textile and leather

     -Cauciuc and plastics

     -Paints and building materials

     -Water treatment


     - Detergents, cosmetics, farm, agro.

All the attention is focused on the clients and the mission of our organization has set the criteria that guide our daily activity.

The mission statement of the firm is to be recognized as one of the best and most complete companies in offering products for industrial production.

Our priority is the quality of our products and services. That's why a careful selection of supply companies is made so that we can provide our customers with the highest quality products at the best price / quality ratio.

We emphasize the level of services offered, so our collaborators appreciate their value and want to maintain the relationship with our company.

The promptness of deliveries is a necessity of the contemporary period and that is why we provide safe stocks in our own warehouse

We consider our partners as our clients and we try to establish cooperation relations with them in order to understand, accept and fully meet their demands, constantly changing according to market demand.

We come to meet customers with new product proposals that we develop together.

Being a distributor of chemicals, we are aware of our responsibility towards the environment. In this context, we aim to minimize the potential harmful impact on the environment.

We believe that the value of a firm is given by the value of its people; that is why we aim to have qualified staff to provide the technical and commercial support required by our clients. We also see that human relationships take place in an atmosphere of calm, and we consider that a drop of humor that descreases the forehead is strictly necessary.